Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In Between the Pages

Keep fabric scraps, bits of lace, herb and flower clippings, pictures, movie and theater tickets between the pages of your favorite book. The next time you are reading you will not only enjoy your favorite story, you will also find some of your most treasured memories between the pages.


  1. Wow... love your blog! Newest follower here. I was hoping that you might stop by and follow me back if you like what you read!

    Have a lovely weekend,

  2. I bet that book smells amazing too!

    Thanks so much for sharing at the Say G'day Saturday linky party. This week's link up has just started so I hope you can stop by and say g'day!

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,
    Natasha in Oz

  3. Such a nice idea!

    Thanks for linking up to The Creative HomeAcre blog hop!
