Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tips and Tricks Thursday.... Fire Starters

Hey there
  Summer is here and the kids are out of school. The weekends are reserved for family camp outs, barbecues, and sitting around the backyard fire pit. 

This is great a idea for starting those evening fires in no time and for using up items that would normally go in the garbage. 

They are super simple to make. I made six of them
in about ten minutes. Make a bunch up and be prepared for those summer nights, campfires, and family.


1) Twine
2) Empty toilet paper rolls
3) Dryer lint
4) Newspaper (Do not use the glossy inserts)
5) Scissors

Really, that is it!


Fill each cardboard tube with as much lint as it will hold without falling out the other side.

Cut eight inch pieces of twine, you will need two per cardboard tube.


Lay out your newspaper on a flat surface. Center the tube at one end and roll the tube up to resemble a tootsie pop. With your hands, scrunch and twist each end to secure newspaper.

Tie a piece of string around each end to secure. Snip off loose ends of string keeping a half inch tail on the fire starter. That's all there is to it. Use as you would those little store bought fire starters.

 Simple right? You can also tie a pretty ribbon around three or four and include in a gift basket with a roasting fork and the fixings for smores.
Now go out and start some fires!


  1. I just wanted to say thanks for the follow on Pinterest! I'm happy to be following you back :o) Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!


  2. NOW THOSE ARE A FANTASTIC IDEA!! They are also a great little gift to toss in a housewarming or vacation basket. Thank you so much for sharing at at the Friday Follow Along! LOVE THIS IDEA

  3. Such a simple idea. And you wrapped that up so nicely! Found your blog though the Friday Follow Along linkup

  4. I love this idea! I pinned it so I don't forget! Found you at the Friday Follow Along, thanks for sharing. Come back tomorrow to share something new!

  5. What a great idea! Love it!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The Creative HomeAcre Blog Hop! We hope you'll link up again this Sunday.

  6. This is fantastic! Woo hoo, another way to get rid of (ahem recycle) dryer lint! I love the gift idea with the s'mores basket! Thanks for the idea and instructions!

  7. WOW! I LOVE this idea! I have made herbal starters before, but never used dryer lint. I can't believe I just tossed a month's worth from the laundry room garbage can yesterday! Well, if there is one thing mom isn't short of, right?

    Found you through Frugal By Choice link up, come visit me!

  8. Great idea :)
    Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope you can join us again today at:

  9. COOL!!!!!...Super idea!

  10. Great post, and you even made them pretty! I love that. Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre Hop; hope we'll see you again this Thursday.

