are tough. They have been for a long time. Husbands are still losing
jobs. Mothers are having to work part-time. It is more expensive to eat,
to drive, to just live. People are losing hope.
Is there a way out of such a mess?
and it is not to spend our way out as some would like us to believe.
The way out is to take inspiration from the past, from a simpler time.
In order to move forward we must go back.
to a time of homegrown homemade meals, gently used clothing, line dried
linens, walks around the block, front porch chats with neighbors,
children catching fireflies, fixing things ourselves, and providing for
our families without debt.
websites, blogs, and books abound that can teach us these forgotten
arts. Read them. Enjoy them. Take that knowledge and apply it to your
own life. You and your family will be much happier for it.
from the past will help us all to improve our lives. Give us hope
through these tough times, and help us all succeed in our journey
through life.
Linking with.....
Clever Chicks Blog Hop
Homemaking Party